Sunday, July 20, 2014

Initial Posting

Well, I don't know if this blog is going to be posted or not without me knowing as I honestly don't know the first thing about "blogging". As many know, I had weight loss surgery done back in Feb of 2013. I started at 415 lbs. when I contacted the clinic and weighed approximately 392 when I arrived in Tijuana, Mexico for the surgery. I did loose quite a bit of weight to 320 lbs. That was approximately a year ago that I weighed 320 lbs. I kept fairly good control of it since, but stepped on the scale about 3 weeks ago, and saw I got up to 350 lbs. I simply saw this as unacceptable. I started thinking of how I could change things to get the weight down because with the crazy schedule I have, it is very difficult to work an hour away, get workout time in and still have time each day with my little girls each night. I watched an episode of "extreme weight loss" on ABC and thought to myself, this is what I need. Now my goal is not to get on TV. Honestly, don't really want to either because I firmly believe I look way better behind camera than in front of it. However, it is the concept of the show that I was fascinated with. With it not being just about weight loss, but a "transformation". This is what I was wanting for my life. Not just the weight loss, but the overall better outlook on life. I am looking for this blog to be my chance to put myself out there more. I have always been a very quiet person and had major difficulties opening up to people about myself. There is too much to try and post here so things will come up over time through these posting. I don't know how, but would like to do video blogs. Probably will record on my iMac and post to vimeo or YouTube and put a link there. Don't know yet. I am in talks with a couple friends that will be working out with me and one is a trainer that I am talking with on setting appropriate goals. Right now, I am believe I am at 350 right now and look to get down to 235. That would be about 60 lbs. the first 90 days, 30 lbs. in the next 90 days, 17 in the third 90 days and 6 by the end of the year long journey. Those may, and probably will change over the next week, but who knows. I am looking to officially start this 7/24 or 8/3. Till then, I am still watching what I am eating and working out, but I am not going to "hit it hard" until the start. Well, I am done rambling for now, I am hoping to post twice a week, as I am not much of a blogger, but with an absolute minimum of once a week. I am trying to document this year long journey as much as possible to show where I started and where I will end up. Thanks for reading...hope I didn't bore you too much.